Saturday, July 3, 2010

Rhubarb & Banana Jam.

Delicious, homemade jam ideal for tarts or pancakes. It tastes a million times better than any jam from a supermarket. It’s definitely worth making it.

I use my mum’s method: I cook jam for three days. You might say is time-consuming, but actually it isn’t because you cook jam just twice a day (mornings and evenings) for 35 minutes.

Rhubarb & Banana Jam

Makes 2 jars*

600g fresh rhubarb, peeled
600g bananas, peeled
500g white sugar (1 ¼ cups)

*450ml jar


1. The day before you wish to make the jam. Cut rhubarb and banana into small pieces. Place fruits into a large bowl with 500g of the sugar. Turn carefully to mix and coat well, then cover with cling film and place into the fridge overnight.
2. The next day pour fruits, their juice and residual sugary juices into a large heavy bottom pan. Stir over a gentle heat until the sugar has completely dissolved.
3. Then bring mixture to the boil, reduce heat to minimum and cook for 35 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes. Turn off the heat. Let the jam cool, cover.
4. Repeat process (see step 3) for three days, twice a day.
5. On the third day, after last cooking, ladle jam into the sterilised jars. Cover with a lid. Store in cool, dark place.
Enjoy :)

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